How to Publish using FrontPage 98

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/31/1999 at 11:28 AM



  • Open the local or source remote server web site.
    This is the one that has the files you wish to copy/move to your new web site.
  • Check hyperlink status.
    This will verify if you have any bad links. You should correct those before the "public" sees your work.
    Hyperlink Status
    1. Make sure there are no "red stoplight" links - bad links
    2. Check/scan the unknown "yellow stoplight" links - onces not yet verified. They will either become green or red.
  • Run the "Publish" web command.
  • Choose or type the destination server and directory of the new web site.
    • If this is not a new publish, you can check the "Publish changed pages only" to save some time.
      This publishes only new content since the last time you published.
    • If you have sub-web sites, you can also include them in the publish as well, by checking "Include Child Webs"

Publishing Notes:
  • If you get a dialog box asking a yes/no question to add/delete, choose "Yes to All".
    This will automatically replace and update new files without you having to confirm each one.
  • If you get a navigation question, choose the "Replace Navigation" option.

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