Extreme Lengths for Publishing

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/14/2008 at 10:48 PM


FrontPage, FrontPage Support

Publishing is suddenly taking up to hours instead of minutes for changes to be published to a web site after working "locally".

Besides an Internet connectivity issue, this is almost always due to massive amounts of stuff (e.g. lots of images or raw statistic files) being purged at one end or the other before a publish. Unfortunately, if you have 2 way sync (or the sync in the direction to "re-get" all those files), your wonderfully smart FrontPage software, will actually put all those cleaned-up files back for you to clean up again.

So, go grab a couple more cups of coffee, and . . .
1. Cancel that publish.
2. Open up a FTP client (e.g. CoreFTP or CuteFTP or any other "real" FTP - no, not Internet Explorer)
3. Purge the files again (both locally and on the remote site).
4. Now publish again.
4a. Wait for the first overwright/update verification dialog.
4b. Click the "yes to all" to update/overwrite all.
5. Go to bed and check it in the morning.
6. Check your FrontPage publishing settings. There are options for whether to put back missing files. You can choose NOT to replace missing files which would fix this issue.

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