Entourage Mac OSX Setup

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/08/2005 at 10:28 PM


Email Setup
Outlook, Other

Instructions to set up Entourage for access to a Mindwatering mail server:

1. Start Entourage

2. On the menu, select Tools and choose the Accounts option.
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3. The Accounts window will open. Select the Mail tab and click the New button.
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4. Type in your display name in the your name field. Click the Configure account manually button.
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5. For the Account type, select POP if not already selected.
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6. Fill out the Account Settings screen with the following information
(substitute your name, domain name, and password which Mindwatering support/sales has given you.)

Account Settings
Account name: Jane Doe - Home
Include this account in Send/Receive schedule ...: Check to enable if desired.

Personal information
Name: Jane Doe
E-mail address: jdoe@mydomain.com

Receiving mail
Account ID: jdoe@mydomain.com
IMAP server: pop.mydomain.com
Password: janedoepwd1234
Save password: Check to enable if desired.

Sending mail
SMTP Server: smtp@mydomain.com
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7. Click the Click here for advanced sending options button.
Select the SMTP server requires authentication checkbox.
Check the radio button to use same settings as receiving mail server
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8. Click the OK button to complete the adding of the new account.

9. Test by sending and receiving mail to the new account.
If you have any issues, please contact us using the link at the top of the page.

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