Renaming / Moving Web Pages

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/14/2008 at 11:33 PM


Hyperlinks - Text/Images/Email, Other General Tips

When you do a site redesign and find that you need to move or rename web pages, ALWAYS do it using the "Files" window within Dreamweaver. Never do it outside dreamweaver "locally" on at the "system" level. When you use Dreamweaver's Files window, Dreamweaver will automatically crawl through your other pages, find links and update them for you.

Related Notes:
1. As good practice, close any open pages before doing this. That way you don't have to worry about if the opened pages get updated or not or same over updated pages.
2. Use web safe names. Yes, depending on the local operating system OS and the web server OS, many characters apply, don't use them. Use letters, numbers, dashes, and underlines only. No spaces, and no other characters. You'll thank yourself later.
3. If a page is deleted, it is nice to leave a "blank" page that redirects to a new replacement page or the closest one. This is not always feasible and adds to file clutter, but it's nice to your users. Alternately, if you also your own administrator, you can do a web URL redirection instead.

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