Setting up Multiple Layers for Compositing

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Abigail Black

Created: 05/28/2018 at 02:32 PM



Select a foreground object
Go to Properties -> Object -> Relations
Raise the pass index to 1.
Do the same for all foreground objects

Select a background object
Go to Properties -> Object -> Relations
Raise the pass index to 2.
Do the same for all background objects

The further "back" in distance, raise the pass index one digit.

In Properties -> Render Layers -> Passes, check 'Combined', 'Z', 'Mist', 'Object Index', 'Shadow', and 'Environment.'

Go to Properties -> Render and click the 'Render' button.

Open two screens of UV/Image Editor and one screen of Node Editor

Node Editor
- click the Compositing icon
- click the checkbox 'Use Nodes'
- click the checkbox 'Backdrop'
UV Editor
- On one UV screen, click the dropdown and select 'Render Result'
- On the other UV screen, click the dropdown and select 'Viewer Result'

In Node Editor, create and sequence in the following:
Render Layers mist output to ColorRamp Factor input > ColorRamp Image output to Mix (set to mix) Factor Input > Mix Image to Mix (set to add) Image > Viewer Image input
Render Layers Image output to Mix Image top input
Render Layers Image output to Composite Image input
Render Layers Environment output to Mix (set to mix) Factor input (set top image color to black and bottom image color to yellow) > Mix Image output to Sun Beams Image input (play with settings for preferred angle) > Sun Beams Image output to Mix (set to add) bottom Image input

Play with settings and nodes until satisfied.
Go to UV/Image Editor -> Image -> Save a Copy
Save to preferred location

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