Fix Pack Fails to Run

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Abigail Black

Created: 09/11/2017 at 04:44 AM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

Domino Fix Pack Fails to Run on MS Windows Server

Things to check:
- Did you remember to shut down Domino?
- - Check the Domino and the IBM Diagnostics services are not running.
- Check Tivoli or other backup software not running.
- Did you right click the installation program and choose to Run as Administrator?

If on Windows 2003 Server:
- kill kntcma using the Task Manager (taskmgr) window.
- Windows server will automatically re-run kntcma pretty quickly (as quickly as 15 seconds), so do not dottle re-running the FP installation. If you don't get through the FP in time, then simply kill the kntcma file task again, and repeat. After killing kntcma 3 to 5 times, it tends to stay dead for a while longer, and haste is not as needed.

If on Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022, Performance Monitoring holds an execution lock on Domino's running server task, and is very likely the cause of the issue.
- Temporarily stop the service: Windows Management Instrumentation. We recommend disabling or setting it to manual, as well.
- Shut down Domino (It's likely since you are reading this, you already long did.)
- Re run the FP install
- Start the Domino Server service.
- Start the Windows Management Instrumentation service.

- In a most cases, we have had to Stop and also Disable the Windows Management Instrumentation service and re-enable it afterwards.
- HCL has created its own KB on this issue: KB0038497. They also recommend setting the WMI service to Manual. Either Disabled or Manual works well.

Tangent Issues with JVM updates:
See JVM issues work-around document in this support reference application, if JVM installer and uninstaller won't revert JVM.
- Domino JVM Patch Installation / Upgrade Error Options (JVM folder replacement issue)
- Domino Won't Start as Service After FP or IF Update (JVM Bind Issue)
- Let's Encrypt - LE4D Issues (JVM javaOptions Issue after Upgrade to Domino 11.0.1)

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