Unable to Add NFS Datastore to ESXi Host After Unexpected Disconnect

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/23/2023 at 08:38 PM


Storage - NFS

After an UPS did not keep up a NFS datastore, two of three ESXi hosts reconnected.

When adding the datastore via, the task: Mount datastore to additional hosts, the task fails with:
An error occurred during host configuration: . Operation failed, diagnostics report: Unable to get console path for volume, MWBackup2

Troubleshoot and Solution:
Remote into the ESXi host:
$ ssh root@esxhost3.mindwatering.net
<enter password>

In the ESXi shell, perform the following:
a. Verify the error in the vxpa log:
[root@esxhost3:/] cd /var/log/
[root@esxhost3:/] tail -100 vxpa.log
(vim.fault.PlatformConfigFault) {
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) {
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> key = "com.vmware.esx.hostctl.default",
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> arg = (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) [
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) {
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> key = "reason",
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> value = "Unable to get console path for volume, MWNASBkup1"
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> }
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> ],
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> message = "Operation failed, diagnostics report: Unable to get console path for volume, MWNASBkup1"
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> }
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> ],
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> text = ""
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> msg = "Received SOAP response fault from <, >, /sdk>: createNasDatastore
2023-08-24T00:32:56.302Z Er(163) Vpxa[2099899]: --> An error occurred during host configuration: ."

b. List the NFS datastores:
[root@esxhost3:/var/log] esxcfg-nas -l
MWNAS-DS2 is /local/datastore2 from mounted available
MWNAS-DS1 is /local/datastore1 from mounted available

c. The missing datastore is still missing from the list. Manually try to add it:
[root@esxhost3:/var/log] esxcfg-nas -a -o -s /local/backup MWNASBkup1
Error performing operation: Volume MWNASBkup1 already Exists

d. Because it already exists but it missing, we need to remove/disconnect properly the datastore, and then re-add the datastore. (This will not delete data from the datastore.)

Remove the datastore from the ESXi host:
[root@esxhost3:/var/log] esxcfg-nas -d MWNASBkup1
IORM: failed to disable IORM: Unable to get console path for volume, MWNASBkup1
NAS volume MWNASBkup1 deleted.

Add the datastore back to the ESXi host:
[root@esxhost3:/var/log] esxcfg-nas -a -o -s /local/backup MWNASBkup1
Connecting to NAS volume: MWNASBkup1
MWNASBkup1 created and connected.

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