vRA 8.7/8.10 Shutdown / Restarting vRA Appliance or just vRO Services

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/20/2023 at 03:03 PM



Procedure for Restarting vRA 8.10 Appliance

Option 1:
VMware recommends to use the simple way from the LCM:
- Navigate to the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. Login.
- Select Lifecycle Operations --> Environments.
- Stop, wait, and then (re) start the vRA selected.
(See the full instructions in this MW Support Reference app in separate document.)

Option 2:
Manual way to shutdown and (re)start on the vRA appliance based on the VMware docs site:
1. SSH into any one of the appliances. We typically do node1. Then, stop the services:
$ ssh root@vraappliance.mindwatering.net
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# /opt/scripts/deploy.sh --shutdown

2. Once completed, shutdown:
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# shutdown -h now

3. Power on the appliance from vCenter.

4. Before starting vRA services, verify that the load balancer is running, and the VMware Workspace ONE Access components are running.

5. SSH into the appliance, and start the services:
$ ssh root@vraappliance.mindwatering.net
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# /opt/scripts/deploy.sh

6. Monitor/verify services (in their containers) are functioning/ready:
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# kubectl -n prelude get pods

For a cluster, there should be 3 instances of each service; each should have a status of Completed or Running.

Procedure for Restarting just vRO:
5. SSH into the appliance, and start the services:
$ ssh root@vraappliance.mindwatering.net
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# kubectl scale deployment orchestration-ui-app --replicas=0 -n prelude
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# kubectl scale deployment vco-app --replicas=0 -n prelude
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# sleep 120
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# kubectl scale deployment orchestration-ui-app --replicas=1 -n prelude
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# kubectl scale deployment vco-app --replicas=1 -n prelude

Check the services with:
root@vraappliance [ ~ ]# kubectl -n prelude get pods

The vCO services (pods) should be running again like:
orchestration-ui-app-9876abc12d-abcd1 1/1 Running 0
vco-app-123a456bc-abc1a 3/3 Running 0

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