Core FTP Setup w/ Mindwatering Hosting Service

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 07/28/2006 at 02:34 PM


Developer Setup

These instructions will help you configure your Core FTP (version 1.3x) client to access and transfer files with your Mindwatering hosted web site.

1. Start Core FTP
2. If the Site Manager dialog is not already displaying, select "Sites" on the menu bar and choose the "Site Manager" option.
3. The Site Manager dialog will display. In the lower left corner click the "New Site" button.
Hide details for Open for Image - Step 3Open for Image - Step 3
Screen Sample for Step 3

4. Under the "Site Name" label, update the Site Name field to the name of your Mindwatering hosted web site.
5. Under the "Host / IP / URL" label,, add to this field your domain name (e.g.
6. Under the "Username" label, add to this field your username (e.g. mw-janedoe).
7. Under the "Password" label, add to this field your account id's password. It will display with astericks (*) and is case sensitive.
8. Choose whether to save the password by deselecting or selecting the "Don't save password."
9. Click the "PASV" checkbox to mark and then unmark the PASV option. (It starts out grayed out, and we clicked twice to turn it on and then off.) You need Passive Transfers turned off. (Some of the port numbers that may be selected are other service ports we block from outside use.)
10. Click the "Advanced" button to the right of the "Host / IP / URL" field you populated in step 5.
Hide details for Open for Image - Steps 4 through 10Open for Image - Steps 4 through 10
Screen Sample for Steps 4 - 10

11. Select the "Directory/Folder" option within the list of settings box on the left.
12. Under the "Remote Start Folder" label, add to this field "/Sites/". (This keeps you from having to always open this folder manually after a login.)
13. Under the "Local Start Folder" label, add to this field the location for your web sites development folder on your local drive. (e.g. c:/temp/MyDomainWebSite)
14. Click the "OK" button to return to the main Site Manager dialog.
Hide details for Open for Image - Steps 11 through 14Open for Image - Steps 11 through 14
Screen Sample for Steps 11 through 14

15. Click the "Close" button to just save your new entry, or better yet, click the "Connect" button instead to go ahead and login and test what you've just entered.

If you have any problems, simply call us or write us from our web site:

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