Filezilla FTP Setup w/Mindwatering Hosting Service

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 02/15/2007 at 05:30 PM


Developer Setup

Get Filezilla:
Filezilla is a SourceForge project. Get it at:

Add a new FTP (Web Site) to FileZilla:
1. Start FileZilla.
2. To load the Site manager, click 'File' --> 'Site Manager ...' on the menu bar.
(Note: you can also click CNTL+S or the top left Site Manager icon of a computer on the toolbar under the menu.)
3. Click the 'New Site' button in the lower left corner to add a new site profile to FileZilla.
4. Rename the 'New FTP Site' under 'My FTP Sites'.
(Note: This can be any short description of your web site.)
5. Add the Mindwatering web server's host name or your domain name. (e.g.
6. Leave the Servertype to 'FTP'.
7. Change the logontype to 'Normal'.
8. Type your FTP logon id in the 'User' field.
9. Type your FTP logon password in the 'Password' field.
10. Click the 'Advanced' button at the bottom.
Hide details for Step 5-10 New Site DialogStep 5-10 New Site Dialog
Step 5-10 New Site Dialog

11. Optional: Add the folder path to your local copy of your web site in the 'Default local directory' field.
12. Optional: Add the folder path to the root (top level) of your web site HTML folder in the 'Default remote directory' field.
13. Change 'Passive transfer mode settings' to 'Use active mode'.
(Note: This is the most direct and quickest transfer method. If you local firewall does not allow transfers, you can also try the 'passive mode'.)
14. Click 'OK' button to return to the New Site dialog.
Hide details for Steps 11-14 Advanced DialogSteps 11-14 Advanced Dialog
Steps 11-14 Advanced Dialog

15. Click the 'Save and Exit' button to save your new ftp settings to your web site.

Using FileZilla to Transfer Files:
1. Load the Site manager again, by clicking 'File' --> 'Site Manager ...' on the menu bar.
(Note: you can also click CNTL+S or use the top left Site Manager icon of a computer on the toolbar under the menu.)
2. Highlight your web site under 'My FTP Sites', and click the 'Connect' button at the bottom of the dialog.
(The dialog will clear and FileZilla will connect to the server.)
3. Watch the logon status messages in the upper frame (area) of the program. It will show you any error messages.
4. FileZilla will display a file and folder listing of the remote folder you added during the setup above in the right frame in the center section.
FileZilla will also show you your starting folder in the left frame of the center section.
5a. To copy files and folders from local to the web server, drag them from the local window on the left into the remote folder on the right.
5b. To copy files and folders from the remote web server to your local machine, drag them from the remote window on the right to the local window on the left.
Hide details for Steps 1-5Steps 1-5
Steps 1-5

6. To end your FTP session with the server, click 'File' --> 'Disconnect'.
(Note: You could also use CTNL+D.)
7. Close FileZilla

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