Dreamweaver Preferences for UNIX servers

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/14/2008 at 11:13 PM


Other General Tips

Dreamweaver Preferences for UNIX servers & Files:

A. Change line break in HTML code to just a LF rather than the windows combo:

1. Under Menu, choose the options to Edit --> Preferences.
2. Under Code Format, change the line break type to LF (UNIX)

B. Set the Code Rewriting for Special Characters:
In many cases having Dreamwever automatically convert special characters to their URL Encoded counterparts is not always desirable.
If you want to turn it off, you can do that under preferences. However, if you do this, then any time you WANT to encode something, you are going to have to look-up the code for the charcter and do it yourself on the HTML source tab / mode.

1. Under Menu, choose the options to Edit --> Preferences.
2. Under Code Rewriting, under the "URL Encoding" label, select the option to NOT encode special characters.

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